Mass Times
Confession Times
Saturday: 5:00PM
Sunday: 8:00AM,10:00AM
Sunday: (Appleton) 9am
Daily (M, T, TH & F): 6:20 AM & 5:30 PM
Daily WEDS: 6:45pm
St. Mary School Mass: 8:00 AM
(no Mass when school is not in session)
Saturday: 8:00 AM
Holy Days: See Parish Bulletin
Monday-Friday (St. Mary's):
6:00AM-6:15AM & 5:00-5:20pm (M,T,Th,F) and
6:15pm Wednesdays
Saturday (St. Mary's):
7:00AM & 4:00PM
Sunday (St. Mary's):
7:30 am
Sunday (Assumption):
8:30 am
Adoration Chapel open 6am - 9pm

Important Information & Events

How long has it been since you were on a retreat? A year? Five years? Longer? Or maybe you’ve never been on a retreat and the idea of spending a couple of days in prayer is intimidating.
DID YOU KNOW? St. Marys will pay HALF of the cost of the retreat for any of our parishioners at OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL
Retreats give us time to reconnect with God and to disconnect from the world. We live in a linear world with deadlines, due dates, many responsibilities, and a limited amount of energy. In short, we need rest. Jesus needed rest too. That’s why He retreated from those He loves to pray apart from them.
Some of the Benefits:
Deepening your relationship with God
You have time to talk to God and more importantly listen.
Refresh and Recharge
You will have time to rest and get to go on walks.
Get away from the noise of the world
Some of the Challenges:
Taking time away from family
Weekends are family time and it is hard with all the kids’ activities to break away. You need to do this for them. You become a better husband, wife, mother, father and friend as you grow in your spiritual life
You usually miss 1 day of work depending on what day your retreat starts. It will be worth taking the vacation time.
Most retreats do cost money. DID YOU KNOW? St. Marys will pay 50% of the cost of the retreat at OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL and scholarships are sometimes available.
What are you waiting for? Take the leap of faith! You won't regret it!