Campaign News
We are excited to announce that the campaign is now officially underway!
Ways to Give

Payments can be made Monthly, Quarterly, Annually or Lump sum
All payments will be withdrawn on or around the 10th of the month no matter what payment plan you choose.
For example: If you choose monthly the payment will come out the 10th of the month unless it falls on a weekend then the following business day it will come out. Same if you choose quarterly the payment will come out on the 1st of the month of the beginning of the Quarter, therefore January 10th, April 10th, July 10th, October 10th.
Written Check
* Please be sure to clearly write on your check Campaign payment so it does not get confused with ANY other donation. If giving cash please be sure to include your name on the envelope.

Any questions or concerns Please contact Heather at the Parish Office