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The mission of St. Mary's Parish is to proclaim the
Good News of Jesus Christ by worshiping God in word and Sacrament.
We provide on-going opportunities for growth in the Catholic Faith so that the Risen Christ may become more real for each one of us, enabling us to go forth and be leaven in society. We are all to become Holy Disciples on the path to heaven. In the midst of a welcoming community we learn the teachings of our faith by celebrating Word and Sacrament as we grow in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Father Brian Connor

Fr. Brian Connor: our new pastor, comes to us from North American Martyrs parish in Lincoln. He was ordained in 1989. He has served in several parishes throughout the diocese, including St. Francis Center and as a past superintendent of Aquinas High School. We welcome him.

Father Tony Schukei
Assistant Pastor

My name is Fr. Tony Schukei, I am excited to be assigned to St. Mary ’s and Assumption parishes as the new parochial vicar. I was born and raised in Norfolk, NE. After high school I moved to Lincoln while studying Landscape Architecture at UNL. Once I finished my studies at the University, I decided to stick around Lincoln and worked for a few years before I found my way to the seminary. I completed my first two years of study at St. Gregory the Great Seminary in Seward, NE and concluded my seminary formation with four years at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. on May 28, 2022, I was ordained to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. I look forward to meeting you all soon

Fr. Michael Ventre: our priest in residence, hails from Cincinnati, Ohio. He was ordained in 2015 and was most currently pastor at Presentation Parish, rural Bellwood. He will be Administrator of Aquinas High School and assisting at St. Mary ’s with weekend Masses. Welcome!!

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Heather Oltmer 
Parish Secretary/Office Manager 

     Heather has been the Parish Secretary/Office Manager since May 2019.  Heather was born and raised in David City, NE.  She is a graduate of Aquinas High School and attended Wayne State College obtaining a Counseling Degree in 2004.

     Since 1999 she has gained extensive knowledge in the Information Technology field  & Quickbooks through numerous work related assignments and self-education.  She did some work for Child Protective Services and Haven House(a women's shelter) during her college years.  After college she  worked on the Corporate and Agency side of the insurance industry for 15 years.  

     Heather is married to Adam and they have 5 children, AJ, Avery, Anthony, Andrew, & Alyvia. 

     In her free time she likes to indulge in spiritual reading, enjoys playing board games with her family, and dabbles in photography. You can see one of her photos in the statewide Pinnacle Bank Calendar for 2023 and a few other photos in the Hruska Public Library Calendar 2024!


Sr. Mary Kansier, M.S. 
Evangelization Coordinator 

Sr. Mary Kansier is a Marian Sister from Waverly, NE.   After professing her vows in 1986, she taught for 14 years, worked at the Diocesan Education Technology office for 16 years and is now working at St. Mary’s as the Evangelization Coordinator. Having received a certificate from the  Cenacle of Our Lady of Divine Providence School of Spiritual Direction, she looks forward to spiritually supporting women of all walks and encouraging growth in prayer and discipleship.  Outside of work, Sr. Mary enjoys praying, spending time with other Marian Sisters, reading, and coloring. 

Parish Council

Paul Gahan

Jennifer Hein

Kathy Engel 

Sharon DeWispelare 

Andrew Daro 

Mike Eller 

St. Mary's 

Paul Gahan

Jennifer Hein

Kathy Engel 

Sharon DeWispelare 

Andrew Daro 

Mike Eller 

St. Mary's 


Mike Kadlec

Kevin Andel

Jerome Andel

Judy Polacek

Laura Cox

Michelle Woolsey

Members serve a three-year elected term as a parish representative who supports and advises the pastor and works for the continued unity and success of all organizations within the parish. Meetings at St. Mary's are often held the last Monday of every month. Parishioners are invited to contact a council member with any questions or concerns. 
The Veil Removed (a must see video) —
The Mass: Heaven and Earth Coming Together

View The Veil Removed, a short (5 minute) film that reveals the coming together of heaven and earth, as seen by saints, mystics, revealed by sacred scripture and in the catechism of the Catholic Church.


The mission of St. Mary's Parish is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ by worshiping God in word and Sacrament.

We provide on-going opportunities for growth in the Catholic Faith so that the Risen Christ may become more real for each one of us, enabling us to go forth and be leaven in society.

Estamos para apoyarte a que vivas una vida Sacramental plena. Te faltan Sacramentos o sabes de alguien que no tiene todos sus Sacramentos por favor comunicate a la oficina de la Parroquia (en ingles) O al (402) 527-5648 con nuestra traductora (informes en español) para mas información. Bautizo, confirmación, primera comunion, unción de los enfermos, Sagrado Matrimonio en la Iglesia. Nos adaptamos a tu horario, Cristo te espera con los brazos abiertos.



580 I Street

David City, NE 68632

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