Annual Appeals
Charity & Stewardship
Bishops Appeal for Vocations
Charity & Stewardship Appeal( DDP)

The Charity and Stewardship Appeal is the annual appeal of the Diocese of Lincoln. First established in 1971 by Bishop Flavin as the Diocesan Development Program (D.D.P.), the appeal has provided for many of the needs of the diocese, especially Catholic Education. Under Bishop Bruskewitz, the annual appeal was given a new name, but the Charity and Stewardship Appeal remained successful in supporting and expanding many diocesan programs and ministries.
Under Bishop Conley, the appeal continues to support numerous apostolates such as Catholic Social Services, the Newman Center and Retreat House, Pro-Life and Youth Ministries.
Your contribution to this Fundraiser in our parish is greatly appreciated!
Charity & Stewardship Appeal (DDP)
Charity & Stewardship 2024 has begun! Our parish goal is $53,000, of which we receive rebates to support our school; we also receive 100% of donations over goal. This is a considerable part of our budget each year.
All parishioners can pick up their pledge card after masses April 27th & 28th and May 4th & 5th. Please return your card to us with your donation in the next few weeks, and we will send it in for you. (All checks should be payable to the “Charity and Stewardship Appeal” or “DDP”). The first two ways to give are the most "preferred" options. If neither of these work for you please see other options below and if any questions/concerns please call our parish office and we will assist you further.
+ Mobile Giving: You can make your donation by credit / debit card or from your bank account via mobile phone:
Text “Give $100” or whatever amount you wish to donate one time, to 531-233-1022. (If you wish to make several recurring gifts, put the amount of each payment, NOT the total gift.)
Click on the link in the reply text, and follow the instructions below (on the website).
+ Giving via Website: You can set up one-time or recurring payments from your credit / debit card or as a direct payment from your bank account by following these instructions:
1. From your web browser, type in the address:
OR Click this Box to be automatically directed to the Online giving website
2. When it asks "Which campus are you donating to?" you first select your parish from the list (St. Mary Church of David City).
3. Type in the amount of your one-time or recurring payment (Do NOT enter your total pledge amount unless you are giving only one time). When it asks "Where would you like this donation to go?" select the fund "Charity and Stewardship Appeal" from the list of funds/appeals. Choose “One time" or "recurring.” If it’s recurring, it will ask you the frequency of your gift and the total occurrences of your gift (that is, how many times they charge your account prior to April 30, 2025). Then click the “Next" button.
4. Enter your personal information.
5. Enter your credit / debit card or bank account information, confirm the details of your gift, and then click “Donate.” One-time gifts will process immediately; recurring gifts will begin on the “Start Date” that you set.
6. You will receive a confirmation email from no-reply@aware3.com, with the subject “Diocese of Lincoln Donation Receipt.”
ALL PLEDGES MUST BE COMPLETED in FULL on or BEFORE APRIL 30, 2025 to be applied to the 2024 Appeal.