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Faith in Action


Mexico City


Beginning in 2017, St. Mary's  parishioners began making a Mission Trip Mexico City in support of Hope of the Poor Ministry who daily feed, cloth, shelter and care for the poorest of the poor.

This is truly been a parish wide effort and Hope of the Poor is very grateful for our support. 

Beyond the donations of money, food, clothing and medical supplies, perhaps the most important are the women and men who volunteer each year to make this spiritual and service journey.  Each commits to sharing their love, joy and presence – the gift of being open, sharing and available for whatever task is asked of them. 

Regardless of how they arrived, all are treated as a reflection of Christ Himself.  Every day the Brothers remind us that as we perform our simple tasks–cleaning, feeding and clothing the residents–to find in each person God’s love in a Christ crucified – “and your reward will be that Christ’s love will be reflected back to you and in you.”

And how do these residents reflect God’s love back to us?  In their heartfelt embrace as we enter their residences each morning.  In the appreciation for feeding those who are blind, clothing those who are crippled, cleaning the floor of their dormitory, changing their soiled bed linens and bandaging their wounds.  

But most of all it is the joy we share in being servants to their needs and experiencing their joy and their love for us and one another.  It is in seeing that even in the most difficult circumstance, God’s love is present in each caring touch, and each loving embrace and each simple “thank you.”  

This message of Christ’s love for the poorest of the poor is both spiritual and effective. 

Please give prayerful consideration to joining our next Mission Trip in January.  Information meetings are held in November and December.  Please check the bulletin for meeting dates and times.  We look forward to having you share in this unique spiritual and service experience that will change your life forever!

Columbus Mission

Columbus Rescue Mission 
Homeless Shelter

The Mission Rescue in Columbus seeks to equip the hurting and the homeless to become responsible, contributing members of the Church and society by providing food, shelter, and guidance to those in need. St. Mary's Parish has volunteered to provide a meal once a month.  If you are intetested in helping, call Heather at the Parish Office.  


The mission of St. Mary's Parish is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ by worshiping God in word and Sacrament.

We provide on-going opportunities for growth in the Catholic Faith so that the Risen Christ may become more real for each one of us, enabling us to go forth and be leaven in society.

Estamos para apoyarte a que vivas una vida Sacramental plena. Te faltan Sacramentos o sabes de alguien que no tiene todos sus Sacramentos por favor comunicate a la oficina de la Parroquia (en ingles) O al (402) 527-5648 con nuestra traductora (informes en español) para mas información. Bautizo, confirmación, primera comunion, unción de los enfermos, Sagrado Matrimonio en la Iglesia. Nos adaptamos a tu horario, Cristo te espera con los brazos abiertos.



580 I Street

David City, NE 68632

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