The religious education program of St. Mary's Church will work to increase the interest and enhance communication within our community of parishioners and young people by providing interactive and cooperative learning opportunities emphasizing the basics of our Catholic faith.
Public school and Homeschool Students are invited to Grades K-6 classroom sessions.
Class begins at 6:00 pm. Students will go to Mass at 6:40 pm.
All are invited to Mass at 6:45.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
“In the early Church, the faithful were prepared for the Church in a space called the “atrium.” Just so, when children are prepared for the church community, an atrium should be prepared for them. This place is not a place of religious instruction, but of conversion. It should be a place of spiritual retreat for children. A place of prayer, in which work and study spontaneously become meditation and contemplation. A place in which the only Teacher is Christ and both children and adults listen to His Word. A place where themes from the Bible and liturgy are used as fundamental sources for nourishing the child in his/her most vital religious needs. A place in which the Eucharist is central to the life of the atrium.” - The US Association of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd will be offered for children 3 to 6 years of age from September 11, 2024 - May 7, 2025 on Wednesdays from 9-10:30 AM OR 4:30-6 PM. There will be a size limitation to the sessions and spots will be reserved on a first come basis. Children must be 3 by August 1st. Email Miriam Daro (miriamgthorn@gmail.com) for more information. Forms are due back to Miriam Daro by August 30th..

Adult Christian Formation (OCIA) Study:
All adults, Catholic or non-Catholic, are invited to participate in our OCIA study of the Catholic Faith on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 pm in the Didier Room. Each week will cover a different topic of our Catholic Faith and will be taught by Fr. Connor, Fr. Schukei, and/or Sr. Mary. There will be plenty of opportunity for Q&A. All are welcome!
Non-Catholics who participate in the study may request to enter the Catholic Church at Easter and this study will serve as the necessary preparation. However, becoming a Catholic is not necessary nor expected. By attending each week there is no commitment made to enter the Catholic Church. All are welcome!
Totus Tuus Summer Program
2025 Dates Soon
Totus Tuus is a week long Catholic summer youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic Faith through catechesis, evangelization, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship.
Many Volunteers NEEDED!
*Coordinator for Day Program
*Coordinator for High School Program
for more Volunteer Opportunities! We ask that all students pre-register for the Totus Tuus program so that we have a good head count for meals and snacks. You can register by clicking on the Registration From box above, or by picking up a form in the Church Office/Back of Church. There is a suggested registration fee of $20 per child or $50 for a family of 3 or more. If this would constitute a financial burden, families can pay whatever they feel they can contribute to help cover the expenses for the program.