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Office Volunteers 

Are you able to assist the Office Manager in day to day office work such as bulk mailings, bulletin inserts, updating computer files, and greeting visitors to the rectory? If so please contact the rectory to be put on a list to volunteer. 

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus #1717

All Catholic Men are invited to Join this fraternal organization devoted to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The worldwide group works closely with the Holy See to further Holy Mother Church and its goals. They provide the honor guard for church dignitaries and ceremonies and sponsor many beneficial projects in the parish. 

Grand Knight 2023: Todd Hilfiker 


The purpose of St. Mary's Council of Catholic Women shall be to give glory to Almighty God through prayer, study and service for your parish community and the community in which we live.

Our objective is to serve the needs of the women of our parish and to unite all women of St. Mary's in spiritual, educational and social activities. We also aid financially with the needs of the altar, sanctuary, and the parish in general.

PCCW Council Meets the 3rd Monday of the month in the Library of the St. Mary's School. 

Members can participate in as many activities as they can find time to attend. Some of the activities are as follows:

  • Members serve and/or donate baked items for coffee & rolls and bake sales. (See calendar for specific date/times of these  monthly events)

  • Hosts Membership Events/Socials to acclimate women to our parish. 

  • Assists the pastor both spiritually and financially with the needs of the parish

Open to all women of the parish, age 18 and older, who subscribe to the purpose and objectives of St. Mary's Council of Catholic Women and who pay annual dues ($10.00 per year).

St. Mary's PCCW is currently comprised of 12 sub-circles. Circle members are members of PCCW, but the circles allow members the option of a smaller group of ladies to get acquainted with. Each circle is comprised of a group of women with a declared purpose and objective, meaning each circle focuses on a specific goal/objective but all of PCCW is invited to assist. Select the link below to get a listing of the circles with contacts.

If interested in becoming a member of PCCW or have questions on joining a church circle, please contact Jenny Polacek.


2024-2025 Officers:
President:      Mindy Schawang
Vice-President:    Carly Eller
Secretary:  Ashley Witmer
Treasurer:  Misty Havlovic
Past President:  Jenny Polacek

Meal Train for Priests

Do You Enjoy Cooking? Would you like to share a Home-Cooked Meal beyond your home?

Then volunteer to help feed those who feed us! You can sign up to make occasional dinners for our two priests. Volunteers would bring in a dinner to the parish office throughout the year on a Monday. Our Priests would love to try your favorite home-made dish! 


The mission of St. Mary's Parish is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ by worshiping God in word and Sacrament.

We provide on-going opportunities for growth in the Catholic Faith so that the Risen Christ may become more real for each one of us, enabling us to go forth and be leaven in society.

Estamos para apoyarte a que vivas una vida Sacramental plena. Te faltan Sacramentos o sabes de alguien que no tiene todos sus Sacramentos por favor comunicate a la oficina de la Parroquia (en ingles) O al (402) 527-5648 con nuestra traductora (informes en español) para mas información. Bautizo, confirmación, primera comunion, unción de los enfermos, Sagrado Matrimonio en la Iglesia. Nos adaptamos a tu horario, Cristo te espera con los brazos abiertos.



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David City, NE 68632

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